AMIGA DUNGEON MASTER ====================== CHAMPION LIST --------------- # NAME CLASSES EQUIPMENT STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 Iaido Apprentice Fighter Samurai Sword 43/55/40/35/45/50/48/65/11 Novice Priest Ghi, Trousers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Zed Novice Fighter & Priest Torch, Hosen 40/40/40/50/40/40/60/60/10 Novice Ninja & Wizard Pants, Mail ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Elija Novice Fighter Robe, Sandals 42/40/42/36/53/40/60/58/22 Apprentice Priest Magic Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 Chani Novice Fighter Shirt, Sandals 37/47/57/37/47/37/47/67/20 Apprentice Wizard Moonstone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5 Hawk Novice Fighter Leather Pants 45/35/38/55/35/35/70/85/10 Apprentice Priest Leather Jerkin Boots, 2 Arrows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 Boris Novice Ninja Leather Pants 35/45/55/40/45/40/35/65/28 Apprentice Wizard Leather Boots Rabbits Foot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 Alex Apprentice Ninja Leather Pants 44/55/45/40/35/40/50/57/13 Novice Wizard Leather Jerkin Boots, Sling ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8 Nabi Apprentice Priest Staff, Tunic 41/36/45/45/55/55/55/65/15 Novice Wizard Pants, Sandals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Linflas Apprentice Fighter Elven Boots 45/45/47/35/50/35/65/50/12 Novice Wizard Elven Doublet Elven Huke, Bow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 Gando Novice Wizard Leather Boots 39/45/47/33/48/43/39/63/26 Apprentice Ninja Leather Jerkin 2 Poison Darts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 Syra Novice Priest Elven Doublet 38/35/43/45/42/40/53/72/15 Apprentice Wizard Tabard, Apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 Halk Journeyman Fighter Berzerk Helm 55/43/30/46/38/48/90/75/00 Barbarian Hide Club, Sandals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13 Daroou Apprentice Fighter 50/30/35/45/30/45/100/65/6 Neophyte Wizard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14 Wu Tse Novice Ninja Silk Shirt 38/35/53/45/47/40/45/47/20 Apprentice Priest Tabard, Sandals 3 Throwing Stars ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15 Tiggy Novice Ninja Kirtle, Gunna 30/45/50/35/59/40/25/45/36 Apprentice Wizard Sandals, Wand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 16 Leif Apprentice Fighter Leather Jerkin 46/40/39/50/45/45/75/70/7 Novice Priest Leather Pants Leather Boots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17 Azizi Novice Fighter Barbarian Hide 47/48/42/45/30/35/61/77/7 Apprentice Ninja Hide Shield Halter, Daggers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 18 Stamm Journeyman Fighter Leather Pants 52/43/35/50/35/55/75/80/00 Suede Boots Tunic, Axe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 19 Mophus Journeyman Priest Sandals, Robe 42/35/40/48/40/45/55/55/19 Cheese, Bread Apple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 Wuuf Apprentice Ninja Leather Jerkin 33/57/45/40/35/40/40/50/30 Novice Priest Empty Flask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 Leyla Journeyman Ninja Leather Pants 40/53/45/47/45/35/48/60/3 Leather Boots Silk Shirt, Rope ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 22 Sonja Journeyman Fighter Gunna, Halter 54/45/39/49/40/40/65/70/2 Choker, Sword Sandals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 23 Hissssa Apprentice Fighter 58/48/35/35/43/55/80/61/5 Novice Ninja ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 24 Gothmog Journeyman Wizard Cloak of Night 40/43/48/34/50/59/60/55/18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES: Statistics are in the following form - STRENGTH / DEXTERITY / WISDOM / VITALITY / ANTIMAGIC / ANTIFIRE / HEALTH / STAMINA /MANA Resurrecting a champion keeps stats. Reincarnating may lower or raise stats. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL ONE- (Hall Of Champions) FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Water Flask Torch Cheese Corn Apples (2) Bread (2) ============================================================================== No monsters are encountered on this level. You should choose your party members carefully. A well-balanced party may get you farther than four of the most powerful champions of the same type. Use this level to practice wielding weapons and casting spells. It will give you an idea of which champions you may wish to bring along on your adventure. If you have no idea who to take, try these four: Zed, Tiggy, Azizi, and Wuuf. Be sure to monitor your champions' stats, fatigue, and hunger on this level as well. Notice how much food and water it takes to restore stats, and bed down for a while to monitor stat regeneration. Food and water are plentiful in the early dungeon levels, but become very scarce as you go on. Conserve! Make a note on your map where you may have left food so that you can return there in a pinch. As you encounter monsters in the lower levels, be sure to have all of your party members participate in battles. Your champions experience levels raise in proportion to how much they accomplish or attempt. Plan team efforts before battling. Conserve torches. Use light spells when possible, and store your torches away for those times when MANA is important. Scrolls themselves have no use, other than to provide guidance and instructions. You may wish to use the scrolls as path markers. On this level, fill your water flask(s) and find/store all food. If one of your champions dies, be sure to pick up their bones and equipment if possible. Learn which champion can cast which spells. Eventually, you will notice which spells/potions kill each type of monster easily. Learn which weapons work best with which champions. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL TWO- FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apples (5) Daggers (2) Gold (6) Boots (2) Screamers Drumstick Arrow Emerald Torch (6) Mummies Cheese (2) Sword Topaz Pants (2) Corn Stars (3) Iron Shirt Falchon (2) Solid Flask (4) Magic Box Key Of B Water Flask Buckler Copper Coin Chests (2) ============================================================================== Screamers make for a good meal. Mummies are dangerous, and you must hit and move in order to kill them this early on (keep in mind where you saw an altar). A couple of things to note on battles....closed gates can be an asset, and what is dangerous to your party is also dangerous to monsters. Recover any thrown weapons after a battle. If some are missing, a monster may have picked it up. Find and kill it. Do not be stopped by closed/locked doors. Where there is a will, there is a way. Sound is as important as sight, so turn up the volume! On this level you will encounter two seemingly impenetrable barriers: a door and a force field. They have a lot to do with each other, and one of them can be violated. CAST YOUR INFLUENCE - This is a two-part obstacle. You must use two distinct aspects of your champions abilities in the correct order; the first is a spell. GENERAL NOTES: Save the game position to disk regularly, especially before dangerous moves and after a tough portion of the game. If your champion has not enough MANA to chant a spell in total, chant as many syllables as possible and then sleep. When you awaken you can chant the remainder of the spell. You may pre-chant a spell for each champion and keep them at the ready in case you run into some surprising situations. You should also know by now that objects/weapons to be used must be placed in right hand. Best use of chests is to store one type of item together in each chest (food in one, clothing and armour in another, etc). CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL THREE- FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bread (2) Chain Mail RA Key Water Flask Screamers Drumstick (3) Arrow Pants Blue Meanies Cheese (3) Helmet Torch (2) Rock Creatures Sword Flask (2) Boots Compass Chest (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MATRIX ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bread Sword Gold Robe Cheese ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHAMBER OF THE GUARDIANS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apple Chest Drumstick (2) Gold Shirt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATURE CAVERN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheese Gold ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROOM OF THE GEM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheese (2) Sling Gold Blue Gem Apple (2) Rabbit Foot Drumstick (2) Bread ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE VAULT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bread Helmet Gold Pants Silver Coin Chest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apple Gold Shirt Drumstick ============================================================================== VAULT - Don't horde -all- the money you find. Key word in the phrase is 'cast'. Remember other means of opening doors besides keys, buttons, switches, or pads. Some things cannot simply be taken, but must instead be 'exchanged'. TIME - Hit and run 4 left, 2 forward. Recall one aspect of CAST YOUR INFLUENCE. Trap door works just like other encountered, except the trigger might not be where you expect it to be. GUARDIANS - Following the chest is one way of acquiring it. Think about what you do with a mirror and don't leave the immediate area without using it. MATRIX - Remember, walls are important to notice. Use object you found upon entering this dungeon level or you may become a bit disoriented. GEM - Pits are the pits, so lose some of your less important objects. Again, watch the walls. GENERAL NOTES: It is often helpful to find a small room close by when you need to sleep; simply close the door and your party will be sufficiently safe. Many times you will move so quickly that you will pass right by wall switches which open doors and secret panels. Remember that running and closing a gate may be the ticket to killing monster parties. Doors and gates closing on a being will cause much damage. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL FOUR- FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drumstick (2) Rapier Gold Water Flask Rock Monsters Cheese Horn Of Fear Flask (3) Screamers Chain Mail Shirt Bees Axe Pants Worms Bow Gold Coin Ghosts Helmet Hosen ============================================================================== A second staircase is around somewhere which leads back to previous level. There is a room here which contains Screamers. Open door, kill Screamers, get food. Close door, re-open door and Screamers are there again. Nice food supply. Purple Worms are just as dangerous to you as that first mummy you encountered in level two. Circle and hit them. Move, hit, move. Be sure to examine aqueducts. Don't take short cut the first time. Come back to it later. If you find the 'prisoner' you will be near staircase leading down a level. Heed the writing or you will have more work to do. As long as prisoner is imprisoned, so are you. Bow raises Ninja level very slowly. Best use it later when you find slayer arrows. Lock Picks are worthless. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL FIVE- FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Torch Screamers Bees Green Octopus Skeletons Flying Snakes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BLUE TRANSPORTER ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Poison Dart (3) Mirror Of Dawn VEN Potion Gold Coin Helmet Blue Gem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BUTTON ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dagger Gem Of Ages Leg Mail Ekkhard Cross Mace Blue Gem Hosen Gold Coin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NEVER ENDING ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corn Staff Illumulit Helmet Choker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PIT ROOM (and lower) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drumstick (3) VEN Potion (2) Chest DAIN Potion Blue Gem KU Potion Large Shield ============================================================================== TRANSPORTER - R-R-180-L-180-R BUTTON - Push 5 of them. Mark them to keep track. NEVER END - Button. Go back and look for room. PIT - Secret rooms, magic walls. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL SIX- FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drumstick (2) Vorpal Blade Solid Wizard Eyes Magic Box Iron Skeletons Helmet Bees Yew Staff Flying Snakes Large Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KING FILIUS' ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mail Akelton Iron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FLOOR PANEL ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magic Box Iron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KING MIDAS ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Iron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I DON'T LIKE TO BE IGNORED ROOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drumstick VI Potion Iron Torch ROS Potion Magic Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AFTER DOUBLE DOORS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corn Arrows (2) Mirth Akelton Drumstick Stars (2) Mirth Pants Crossbow Torch Magic Box (2) Vorpal Blade ============================================================================== RIDDLES - All have something to do with your inventory of objects. Think. OTHER HINTS: Transport a heavy object. Throw dagger or shoot arrow; if it returns try again, if not then turn corner....Surprise! Magic box - Wall ring. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL SEVEN- (RA Level - Tomb Of Firestaff) FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FireStaff RA Key Water Flask Rock Monster Carbomite Turquoise Flask (4) FUL Bomb Winged Key Torch VEN Bomb Lock Picks INQUISITOR Magnifier ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROOM #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sceptre Of Lyf Gem Of Ages Illumulit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROOM #2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DragonSpit SpeedBoots ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROOM #3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FreezeLife Crown ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ROOM #4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bolt Blade Flaimbain Mail ============================================================================== Keys are important on this level. Needed are 1 Master Key, 1 Ruby Key, and 4 RA Keys. RA Keys are found on levels 3, 7, 9, and 12. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL EIGHT- (The Arena) FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apple Yew Staff Solid Chest (2) Ghosts Cheese FUL Bomb (5) Ring Of Time Thieves Potions (2) Rabbit Foot Skeletons Staff Of Manar Torch Mummies Mace Of Order Jewel Symar Star Copper Coin Magic Box Delta ============================================================================== On long hallway, take 26 steps, turn around, and wait until door opens. Chasing Thieves will most times lead you to nastier monsters. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL NINE- FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cheese (2) Storm Ring RA Key MAG Armadillos Apple Robe Torch ============================================================================== CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL TEN- (The Snake Level) FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corn (2) SpeedBow Skeleton Water Flask Scorpions Cheese (2) HardCleave Key Of B Chest Skeletons Bread (4) FUL Bomb Torch Wizard Eyes Drumstick Armour Moonstone Amulet Thieves Magnifier ============================================================================== CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL ELEVEN- (Clockwise Level) FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Drumstick Mace Iron Chest (2) Bees Sabre Cross (2) Copper Coin (4) Thieves Staff Skeleton Water Creatures Armour Of Lyte Blue Creatures Mornigstar Mace Fury Diamond Sword VEN Potion FUL Bomb Magic Defence FootPlate ============================================================================== Portions of this level are not mappable. Beware poison traps. POISON ROOM: Get sword, stay till cloud clears, kick trap, move back. CLOCKWISE ROOM: Start at writings, move counter clockwise. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL TWELVE- (Knight Level) FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corn (3) Health Potion Topaz Water Flask Knights Apple (4) VEN Potion Emerald Speed Boots Octopus Bread FUL Bomb Master Spiders Cheese Armour Of Darc RA Key Crystal Ball Drumstick Arrow Skeleton Helmet of Lyte ============================================================================== One of the Knights has a key you need. Spells do not affect him. Some spiders proliferate more than others. A distinct monster boundary is in place. Use it to your advantage. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL THIRTEEN- (Black Lord Level) FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NONE Flamit Hellion Necklace Black Lord (Wizard) Tar Pits Gargoyles ============================================================================== Have a fire extinguisher at the ready. CREATURE/ITEM LIST AND HINTS -LEVEL FOURTEEN- (DRAGON LEVEL) FOOD WEAPONS KEYS MISCELLANEOUS CREATURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NONE Eye Of Time Plain Crown Dragon Power Gem Various Gems Crown Silver Coins Gold Coins ============================================================================== TO KILL DRAGON: Lead him back to stairway you came down and attack him. When you see fireball coming, go up stairs. POWER GEM IN LOCKED ROOM: Rebirthing chamber, so save coins...only way in. TO GET POWER GEM TO MERGE WITH FIRESTAFF: Use the Zokathra spell. Dungeon Master Spell List Compiled By Michael Stetter Note: The power symbols are required for all spells. Power effects the strength and duration of the spell. All potions require a empty flask. Power 1=LO, 2=UM, 3=ON, 4=EE, 5=PAL, 6=MON Elemental 1=YA, 2=VI, 3=OH, 4=FUL, 5=DES, 6=ZO Form 1=VEN, 2=EW, 3=KATH, 4=IR, 5=BRO, 6=GOR Class 1=KU, 2=ROS, 3=DAIN, 4=NETA, 5=RA, 6=SAR Power Elemental Form Class Caster Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-6 1 P MON Potion (Stamina) 1-6 2 P VI Potion (Healing) 1-6 4 W Light 1-6 6 W Open Button Doors 1-6 1 4 P Spell Shield 1-6 1 5 P YA Potion (Protection) 1-6 2 5 P BRO Potion (Cures Poison) 1-6 3 1 P Poison Potion 1-6 4 4 W Fireball 1-6 5 1 W Poison Cloud 1-6 5 2 W Weaken Non-Material Beings 1-6 1 5 2 P Magic Footprints 1-6 1 5 3 P DANE Potion (Wisdom) 1-6 1 5 4 P NETA Potion (Vitality) 1-6 3 2 5 P Look Through Solid Objects 1-6 3 3 5 W Lightning Bolt 1-6 3 3 6 P Monster Confusion 1-6 3 4 5 W Light 1-6 3 5 2 P ROS Potion (Dexterity) 1-6 4 5 1 P KU Potion (Strength) 1-6 4 5 4 P Fire Shield 1-6 5 4 6 W Darkness 1-6 6 3 5 W ZOKATHRA Spell 1-6 6 5 5 P EE Potion (Mana) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack Spells 1. Poison Cloud OH + YA 2. Ghost Killer DES + EW 3. Fireball FUL + IR 4. Lightning OH + KATH + RA 5. Poison Potion (VEN bomb) ZO + VEN 6. Cast a Poison Cloud OH + VEN 7. Poison Spell DES + VEN Defence Spells 1. Shield Spell YA + BRO 2. Fire Shield FUL + BRO + NETA 3. Magical Group Shield YA + IR Potions 1. Stamina YA 2. Health VI 3. Increased Mana ZO + BRO + RA 4. Strength * FUL + BRO + KU 5. Dexterity * OH + BRO + ROS 6. Wisdom * YA + BRO + DAIN 7. Vitality * YA + BRO + NETA 8. To Cure Poison VI + BRO 9. To Heal Wounds VI General Spells 1. Open Door ZO 2. Light Spell FUL 3. Longer Light OH + IR + RA 4. Footprints YA + BRO + ROS 5. Darkness DES + IR + SAR 6. Long Lasting Darkness DES + IR + RA Some Others 1. Magical Sight OH + EW + RA 2. Hides From Monsters OH + EW +SAR 3. Frees Power Gems ZO + KATH + RA 4. Leaves A Trail of Poisonous Footprints YA + BRE + ROS 5. Zokathra Spell ZO + RATH + KA Spells Marked with an * are temporary. Most of the Potion Spells need an empty flask. CONDENSED MAD MANS RAMBLINGS ------------------------------ In Dungeon Master there are a few secrets..If you want to play without cheating stop right here..DO NOT READ ANY FARTHER. Level One ----------- All 24 characters exist here frozen in pictures. By clicking on one the inventory will be displayed along with the option to resurrect or reincarnate. Resurrecting a character will return him / her to life exactly as before death, retaining all attributes. Reincarnating a character will return him / her to life, but without previous attributes. A few items are to be found before going to level 2. Level Two ----------- Items to be found: 3 Falchions 2 Daggers 1 Arrow 3 Throwing stars 2 Small rocks 1 Buckler shield 2 Blue magic boxes 1 Copper coin 4 Torches 5 Flasks 2 Chests 2 YA potions 1 Elven doublet 2 Pairs of leather boots 1 Pair of leather 1 Pair of Ghi trousers trousers Numerous keys. `SMALL DETAILS CAN HIDE GREAT REWARDS' - Press button on the wall for a Falchion. Two pressure pads in room with gate - step on first pad, then step right, two forward, one left,and out. Large room with gate and 9 pressure pads - forward 3 steps, back one, forward 2 steps, back 1, forward and out. Pressure pad with rock laying nearby - place rock on pad to open gate. `STEP INSIDE, TAKE A RIDE' - step into transporter and search the floor. Pressure pad and tap door - place an item on the pad t close the pit. Pressure pad with writing on wall - it says nothing useful, continue. Large room with pressure pad and green button wall - press button to open gate and step around pad to leave. Blue transporter and open pit - place an item on floor to close the pit and search the floor. Wooden door closes as you approach - wall says "None shall pass" - simply chop door with a sword to get a chest. "THIS FOUNTAIN ACCEPTS ONE WISH' - Put a coin in fountain to open door. Unopenable gate with sword behind - continue around corner and throw switch on wall. Go back to find gate open and throw switch to open secret room in place you've just come from. Level Three ------------- Items to be found: Sword Sabre Sling Numerous small rocks for sling 5 Arrows Wooden shield Wand 2 Bezerker helms Blue magic box Rabbit's foot Blue gem Ra Key 2 Flasks 3 Chests Mirror of dawn Compass Numerous coins Mail Aketon Suede boots 2 Leather pants Elen huke 2 Fine robes On entering level three, take 8 paces forwards, button on left wall opens secret passage. A fast run is required to get through transporter. `CHOOSE YOUR DOOR, CHOOSE YOUR FATE' - six cryptic rooms. One golden key is to be looked for in each room. The Matrix. Enter room, 2 steps right, 6 steps forward, turn left, 4 steps forward, turn right, press button in alcove, proceed the way you were going to find a secret room. Time is of the Essence: Blue button on the wall. `Hit and Run'. Press button and quickly move 4 steps left, one forwards to get through wall. Blue button and open pit - press button and turn quickly to see a transporter, throw a fairly heavy item into it to hut pit. Second blue button and pit - Press button and immediately take 2 paces back while pit is shut (this pit can be opened for your exit by a blue button further in). Creature Cavern: Fight your way through the monsters to the gold key. Chambers of the Guardian: The last of the seven rooms contains a chest. Press the blue button and a transporter moves the chest to another room, repeat this until the chest appears outside the last room. Use mirror of dawn to open secret room half way along corridor. The Vault: `You must pay for your entrance' - 2 gold coins. `Cast your influence, cast your might' - ZO spell to open door, then throw an item onto pad to close pit. Take silver coin and replace it with something to keep the door open, use the silver coin to open the next door. Open chest and use coins to open secret room on your right, enter room and press button to open secret room back the way you came. Room of Gem: Place an object on the pad to close pit. Blue button opens gate and also open the pit behind you. Turn around and throw object back onto pad. Find secret button at end of passages. Press to open a secret room and retrieve the gem. You can now return to the entrance and open the door by placing gem in slot provided. When all rooms have been completed you will have 6 gold keys, use them to leave the level. Just before the stairs, to leave the level, you will find a wooden door which can be opened by one of the gold keys. In the room are some useful objects and a button on the wall. Press the button to open a secret room a few paces back down the corridor. Level Four ------------ Items to be found: Numerous coins Axe Rapier Bow Teo wand Hosen Leg mail Elven boots Leather pants Leather jerkin Small shield Bassinet 2 Small rocks Blue magic box 3 Flasks Water bottle (It is what it says in the texts --> ) Neta potion Horn of fear `DON'T LET A CLOSED DOOR STOP YOU' - Chop down with axe. Coin slot in wall turn on blue haze, use unknown. `SHORT CUT' and key hole - Use gold key to turn on transporter. Step in and appear further on. `THIS IS MY PRISONER, LET HIM SUFFER' - Throw something to kill the prisoner, it opens your exit at the end of the level. Chop closed door. Level Five ------------ Items to be found: Mace 3 Poison darts Dagger Staff of claws Large shield 2 Helmets Casque 'n' coif Mail Aketon Hosen Leg mail Choker Illumulet Mirror of dawn Rabbit's foot Ekhard cross 4 VEN potions Gem of ages 3 Blue gems DANE potions KU potion chest FUL bomb Blue magic box The first turn on this level takes you into a large room containing four doors, these are the treasure stores. Working anti-clockwise as you enter the room: First door: This room is full of transporters. Step into this room and move in the following order: right, back, forward, left, right, back. Keep an eye on the floor as you do this. OPen pit: behind you is a lever to close pit. Second door: Smaller of two rooms. Button in wall door. Larger of two rooms. Buttons around the wall reveal more buttons until correct combination is achieved and secret panel opens. Third door: On entering the large room, turn right and walk into corner where you will find a button. Press and walk back past the entrance to the other corner. Turn right and walk to the next corner. Turn right and walk until you find passage on left. Forget walking straight across room as it ever becomes never ending. Fourth Door: There are two passages on the other side of pits. The one on the left cannot be accessed until level six. The one on the right is reached by making your way through the pits on the right. A number of attempts may be needed before the pits close in the correct order. When all rooms have been explored, return to the starting corridor, a few paces down where you will find a stair case. Climb and press button to open wall to a corridor on level 4. Level Six ----------- Items to be found: Large shield Casque 'n' coif Mail Aketon Torso plate Mitheral Aketon Mitheral mail Torches Crossbow 2 Throwing stars 2 Vorpal plate 3 Slayers 2 Green magic boxes Blue magic box UNVEN potion VEN potion Yew staff Water flask `I AM ALL, I AM NONE' - nothing. `HARD AS ROCKS, BLUE AS SKY. TWINKLE IN A WOMAN'S EYE' - Blue Gem. `I ARCH YET I HAVE NO BACK' - Bow `A GOLDEN HEAD ANDY YET NO BODY' - Gold coin. Room with pit and gate that closes as you try to get to it - throw lever on right wall to turn on transporter, place an object in the transporter to open gate. Step into transporter to retrieve object, green button closes pit. `THE GRAVE OF KING FILIUS' - Press 4 buttons around wall until correct combination is found. This opens a secret panel. `THE GRAVE OF KING MILIAS' - Place a gold coin in hole in the wall to open secret room. `IF YOU WANT TO STAY ALIVE YOU'D BETTER TURN AND RUN' - Right hand corridor: On left wall soon after entering room is a button. Press this to open a secret room on far left. In this other room is another button which opens a room near the exit. There is also a room which open when you step on a pressure pad and closes when you step off. No amount of weight seems to keep the door open. Left hand corridor: After passing through the gate you will find a door on the left. Nearly opposite is a metal ring set in the wall, press this to open a secret passage. Towards the end of the passage is another secret passage opened with a button on the wall. Stuck between two gates with a blue haze turning on and off - cast a spell to open the gate then take off armour to move faster and run through the haze. `TEST YOUR STRENGTH' - throw an item down corridor to open a gate further on. As you travel along you will find a room on your right with a staircase leading up. This is the way to the restricted area on level 5 in the pit room. Do not enter the transporter saying "Ha Ha Ha", you will end up back on level 5. Towards the end of the level is a passage with a lever at one end and a gate and transporter at the other. Ignore the transporter - it only takes you to an earlier part of the level. To enter the room you must throw the lever and move quickly to the gate and enter before it closes. Level Seven ------------- Items to be found: The firestaff Bolt blade Flamebain Crown of Nerra The Inquisitor FUL bomb VEN potion Sceptre of lyf Gem of Ages Illumulet Dragon spit Boots of speed 2 Green magic boxes 4 Flasks Water flask Orange gem Corbamite Magnifier Torch Ra Key Winged key Turquoise key Although all the following information guides you through level 7, on first entering the level you can only open one gate (with a Ra key). The other three Ra keys and other keys must be obtained from lower levels. `THE TOMB OF THE FIRESTAFF' - after passing through the first 3 doors that require Ra keys, you ill come across 4 rooms on the right. Only one of these can be opened with the turquoise key that you will find on this level. A lift of items to be found within these rooms was given in an earlier part of this guide (I hope, I only copied this document from the beginning of `CONDENSED MAD MAN'S RAMBLINGS' Part One). `DANGER, ENTER WITH CAUTION' - First you will find alcoves that may prove rewarding. As you turn right along a corridor with short passages on the right, a button will be found on the left wall (three and a half passages along). Press this button to open a passage on your return journey. In the room at the end of corridor will be found a Turquoise key under some ashes. To the left is a button that opens a passage at the end of which are some scrolls and a Ra key. On your alcove to the room with the alcoves you will find a passage has opened in front of you. Enter, turn right, left and seven paces forward to find a button on your left. Press the button and walk back the way you came to find the winged key has been revealed. Travel down the corridor, it is a direct route to level 13. Open pan and return. Return to the `DANGER, ENTER WITH CAUTION' door. Opposite is another corridor at the end of which are some very useful items. Leave this corridor and open the door on your left with the Ra key. Walk along this corridor for some distance taking many turns to find the Ra key. Don't hang around when you find the firestaff You now need the Power Gem from level 14. Ruby key opens `ENTER WITH CAUTION' door. Master key opens door to retrieve Firestaff. Level Eight -------------- Items to be found: Delta Rabbit's foot 4 FUL bombs 2 Chests Mac of Order Staff of Manar Yew staff Throwing star Green magic box Jewel symal Torch Copper coin Level 8 consists of a very large room with a number of secret passages, also numerous pits. Around the wall you will find a short corridor with a chest and two holes in the wall. The holes fire fireballs which pass through various blue hazes and travel around the room. At the start of this passage you will find a button on the wall. Press it to open a secret panel behind the blue haze on your right. Press the green button behind this panel to switch off the haze and thus stop the fireball from hitting you as you search this level. If you stand with your back to the fireballs and walk forwards you come to the end of the wall. Step around this to the other side and take a further 10 steps forwards to find a key in front of you. One of the buttons around the wall will reveal a series of passages culminating in what seems to be an endless passage. In effect you are being transported back to the start of the passage. Stand with your back to the beginning and take 26 paces forwards, then turn right and wait for a moment for a panel to open. You will find a gate behind which is a button on the left wall. Press to open a secret room. One passage you will find will end in a gate (you should have a solid key on you to open it). At the end of the passage you will find a skull on the wall. Use the skeleton key that you found in the chest to open a secret panel. You will find a number of these in the levels to come. Always open them to reveal access to the master staircase which begins on level 8 and finishes on level 14., opening on all the levels in between. If you drop down one of the pits in the room you will find a series of corridors. Search them to find another pit at the bottom of which is a Yew staff. Level Nine ------------ Items to be found: Storm ring Pendant feral Green magic box Blue magic box Rope 2 Chests Corbamite Flask 2 Torches Skeleton key Green gem `WHEN IS A ROCK NOT A ROCK' - Take one step left and walk through the wall. It is a good idea to mark this place in case you need to return in a hurry. Turning left will bring you into a gated room. Search for a button to open a secret room. A short distance after you pass the wall you can walk through, on your right, is an invisibly field which turns you through 180°. This can be confusing, so don't rush. After passing through a gate, keep to the left while searching for a button to open a secret room. The next gate you come to will lead to some downward stairs, ignore these, there is nothing in the room below. You will find an unopenable gate with a chest beyond and a lever on the right. The lever opens a pit dropping the chest into a room below (mentioned earlier). With the pit closed, explore the passage to your right to find an upward staircase. Go up and you will find a pit to your right which will will drop you behind the gate. Search for a button before dropping down the pit. `WHAT IS UNDER FOOT IS SOON OVERHEAD' - the passage ahead has 3 floor buttons on each side. As you step on each, a fireball is fired at you. You must place an item on each floor button moving away quickly to avoid being hit (this only needs to be done on one side). Two exits are found on the other side of the floor buttons. The left hand one takes you through a series of passages and rooms at the end of which you will find a button to open a secret room. `LIGHTER THAN A FEATHER' - Corbamite weighs nothing, use it to open the gate by placing it in the alcove. The last gated room on this level contains an important item. Level Ten ----------- Items to be found: 2 keys of B Hard cleave Shield of Lyte Armet FUL Bombs Speed bow Water flask Moonstone Boots of speed Torso plate Leg plate Foot plate Magnifier `BEWARE OF MY TWISTED HUMOUR, THE DECEIVER, THE SNAKE' - you must snake your way through the pillars, going first to the extreme left, the right, left, and right again, to find an opening on your left. Which ever passage you use the key of B to open, they both end up at the same point. Check the items dropped by anything you kill, to find a second key of B to get you out. `ZOOOOOM' - as you step on the first pad you will be moved around the room until you successfully step off into the passage on the other side. Precise timing is required to get off the moving pads. Halfway round the room you will find a blue haze with a space beside it. If you decide to enter this space, be careful, as the haze will transport you to the very beginning of the level. The next gate you come to opens into a large irregularly shaped room. If you press the button just after the gate you will release monsters that are held in fields around the room. If you walk straight ahead of you, you will come to monsters guarding a button to open a short secret passage to the right. As you leave this room, the fields containing the monsters will be turned off releasing them. As you travel along the corridor you will find a gated room on the left, enter and search for a button to open a secret panel. This room may be transported back to a later stage. A monster will drop a skeleton key when killed in the passages to come, so look out for it. Two secret rooms are to be found in the following corridors so check in the following corridors so check the walls and back track to find the rooms after pressing buttons which have no obvious immediate effect. You will soon come to two gates almost side by side, these should be closed to allow you time to plan ahead, and when threatened, to run back and fight from. Further along the passage you will find another two gates a little further apart than the previous two, they should be closed as before. A room will be found with a brown button on the wall, this button transports you back to the room mentioned earlier. This could be useful if trapped by some pursuing monsters. Level Eleven -------------- Items to be found: Fury Diamond edge 2 Poison darts Staff Sabre Morning star Boots of speed Foot plate Plate of Lyte Greave of Lyte Poleyn of Lyte VEN potion 2 FUL bombs 2 Green magic boxes Skeleton key 2 Cross keys Ruby key Chest As you enter this level you will be confronted with a rectangular passage room. There are four of these rooms and an invisible transporter moves you between them. Figure 1 shows transporters (T), a staircase (S), a gate (G), and a chest (C). W marks the location of the secret panel Figure 1. --------- 1. +-------------+ 2. +------------------+ | | | | +---+ ------- | | ------------ T | | S T | | | +-----------------+ +------------------+ 3. +------------------+ 4. +-------------+ | | | T | | T ------------ | +---+ ------- | | | W C G | +------------------+ +-----------------+ which is your key out. As you move around the rooms you must find a key to open the gate in room number 4. This gate will not open immediately, step back and wait for a moment. Open the chest and take out the key. This must be turned in the keyhole on the wall of one of the rooms to open the panel and allow you out. When you finally escape the rooms, go down the corridor to the right and through the gate. You are in the passage with many holes in the wall. Go to the end of the passage, you will find a useful item. When you pick up this item the corridor will fill with poison gas. Have plenty of VI options handy and wait until the gas has gone while drinking the porions to stay alive. Once you have survived the gas, regain your strength because the next step forwards will release gas further along and fire 2 poison darts at you. Two more, more gas. Be patient, let all the gas clear and you will survive this puzzle. Search the next gated room to find a handy weapon. As you search further you will come to a short passage just around a right turn with another short passage behind you on your left. Step back around the corner and wait a moment for the panel to open. You will find a button on the right wall where the panel was. Press to reveal skeleton key. You will come to a gate behind which are three gates. On the floor is a Cross key to open only one of them, they all lead to the same place. You need to find copper coins in the passages to use later on. The centre door is probably the easiest to get through. Search carefully for those copper coins. When you have emerged from your chosen passage, find the exit gate (far right). Search carefully in the corridors to come, for a butt to open a secret room. Later you will come to double gates. Beyond these is a left turn leading to a gate after which you can use your skeleton key. `ENLARGE MY VIEW' - Use the magnifier to open a secret panel, step on the pad to find the ruby key. Figure 2. --------- +---------------------------------------------------- | | | | +------------------------------------ | | | | | | 1 | +-----------------------------------+ | | 7 | | 2 | | | | | | | | 6 | | 3 | | +---------------------------------------------------+ 5 4 At the end of the passage with the double gates is a room with 7 coin slots in the wall. Copper coins will open wall alcoves containing useful items (listed below). See figure 2. 1) VEN potion 2) FUL bomb 3) Green magic box, FUL bomb 4) 2 Copper coins 5) Cross key 6) Chest of food 7) Green magic box Open number 4 first to reveal more copper coins. If you don't have enough coins for all the slots, open 5, take the cross key and walk all the way back to the start of the three gates where you first used a cross key, and explore another passage for more copper coins. Level Twelve -------------- Items to be found: Greave of Darc Shield of Darc Plate of Darc Poleyn of Darc Helm of Darc Helm of Lyte Morning star Slayer Snake staff 2 FUL bombs VEN potion Boots of speed Torch Master key Emerald key Topaz key Skeleton key At the end of the first corridor is a large room. Tow paces right into room are a series of pits opened and closed by the pressure pad you just stepped on. You can see a broken black line when the pit is open. Taking the right hand exit from the pit room you pass a gate requiring a key to open. Keep to the left and enter a small room, press the large button found here on the left in an alcove and return to the pit room. Now take the other exit, ignore the gate on the right and enter another larger room. In the middle of this room is a small room with a key in it. Take the key and return to the room you passed which required a key (mentioned earlier). After this door has been opened, the monster within must be killed to make it drop a key, dropping it down a pit in the other room is advised. You must then climb down to retrieve the key. Use the rope to get down, if you picked it up on an earlier level, if not, you will have to drop down. Level Fourteen ---------------- Items to be found: Square key Eye of time Calista Numerous coins Blue gems Green gem Use the winged key to gain access to the Dragon level. This is aptly named as it is guarded by only one dragon, which is the most resilient monster you will ever encounter. Travel along the corridor until you find a lever on the wall - this opens a panel to the main room where you will find the dragon, to be careful! Just as you enter the room you will find a pile of ashes under which is the square key. Carefully move to the left of the room where you will find the door to open with the key. Near the door are scattered a number of items, one of which (the eye of time) could prove extremely useful. Pass through the door. in front of you is a power gem, encased in a field which must be broken. Use a ZO KATH RA spell to get the gem. When the gem is free, hold the firestaff up and click the mouse to join the two. You now have the most powerful weapon to be found within the dungeon. The door on your left is opened by placing a silver coin in the slot provided - there is a coin on the floor to the left of the door. This room only contains an alter of rebirth but is very useful for evading the dragon. You will find that the staircase you entered down is now closed. You must go to the staircase at the opposite end of the dragon room, this will take you to level 13. Level Thirteen ---------------- Items to be found: The Hellion flamitt You are now near the end of your quest. You must get rid of the demons first. The passage you walk along cannot be entered by any creatures, including Lord Chaos. You can use magic at range. The fire elements can be done away with by repeated fusing with the Firestaff. The best pace to take on Lord Chaos is in the room on the far left. If you succeed you will be rewarded with an impressive show. What kills the Creatures: As you get stronger in your wizard skills you will be able to make stronger version of the same spell as the creatures show up they each take a stronger version of the same potion and it may take more than one to kill it. Mummies........Weapons at first when you wizard skills are stronger Fireballs Screamers......Weapons..Poison clouds..Fireballs Blue meanies...with/Clubs..Fireballs..Weapons Rock creature..Poison clouds Bees...........Fireballs Worms..........Fireballs(level 4)..Poison cloud Ghosts.........Vorpal blade..Yew staffs..staff of Manar..non material being spell Green octopus..Fireballs Flying snakes..Fireballs Skeletons......Fireballs Wizard eyes....Fireballs Rock Men.......Catch them in a door and then use your weapons Thieves....... Fireballs..when you chase after them beware they will always lead you to a larger enemy Rats...........Fireballs Armadillos.....Fireballs Trolls.........Fireballs Scorpions......Fireballs (lots of them) Knights........Doors and Fighting skills Floating Oct...Vorpal blade..non material spell Spiders........Fireballs Tarpits........Fireballs Gargoyles......Fireballs Wizard.........Firestaff after being merged with power gem SPECIAL STUFF AND POWER CHARTS -------------------------------- MAGICAL AND SPECIAL ITEMS --------------------------- AMULETS --------- Amulet of Duga - Causes magical earthquakes Ekkhard Cross - P for wizards Pendant Feral - Increases agility and wisdom (originally Wuuf's) Spirit Eye - Protection from magic Hellion - Combines magic, physik, and energy interchangeably into any form. RINGS ------- Stormring - Propels lightning bolts Eye Of Time - Stops time for all but those specifidexterity Powertower - Leg braces which increase strength Flamit - Gauntlet which casts flames Speedboots - Enhances speed of the wearer ARMOUR -------- Armour Of Darc - Possibly the strongest armour in these worlds Armour Of Lyte - Better and lighter than plate mail Dexhelm - Increases wearer weapons WEAPONS --------- Bolt Blade - Lightning sword Delta Sword - Thrusting weapon Diamond Edge - Great against armour Hardcleave - Finest battle-axe (capable of berserk attacks) The Inquisitor - One of the finest weapons in the world (adds MANA too) Vorpal Blades - For ethereal beings (possibly only usable by magic users) Nerra - Provides special abilities OTHER ITEMS ------------- Horn Of Fear - Blowing it might instill fear in enemy. Magnifier - Provides light/fire Mirror Of Dawn - Good against the ethereal beings, and for some magic walls Fluxcage + Invoke - Invoke produces varying strengths of Fireball, poison bolt & Spirit bolt (DES EW) STAFFS AND WANDS ------------------ The Conduit - Creates storms and gives wielder ability to see through walls Yew Staff - A twin staff of Manar (?) Firestaff - +1 to all levels & Brandish, Spellshield, & Fireshield. " + Powergem - +2 to all levels & Fuse. ORDER OF STRENGTH AND POWER ----------------------------- DAGGER CLOTHING METAL HELMET LEATHER BOOTS HIDE SHIELD CLUB BUCKLER SMALL MACE PLATE MAIL BASINET FOOTPLATE SMALL SHIELD SWORD LARGE SHIELD RAPIER SAMURAI SWORD SABRE MORINGSTAR =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= To advance Ninjas a level, stand in a hall and throw all your weapons, then get them and repeat. This also works with magic and Fighter levels: Cast a spell at the air, or slash and bash until you gain a level. There is nothing wrong with equipping your characters with cursed armour (so says the person who wrote into the magazine). This will cause you to have incredibly fewer injuries from the enemy. Apparently this is why the enemy knights have such a low armour class. _______________________________________________________________________________